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Sunday, March 1, 2009

amicable to self

Sleep deprivation, that's the last sin that I have committed. Since the dawn of my health retaliation, I have ceased to consider myself to reach my 80's (that's very nice to know). I felt that my heart is not pumping enough blood to my system. Worried about me I assume? Don't be, I'll be fine. Cancer cells are not developing yet.

This is what keeps me
from getting all too dizzy... which reminds me, I have to set an appointment with my doctor
I suddenly have the urge to read the book Veronika decides to die. I've been constantly checking out the shelves of National Bookstore for that but there's still no trace of that book. Very true that Coelho has been able to make his books disappear from shelves. I checked my bedside table and realized that I still have to finish reading The Fifth Mountain.

I'm not new when it comes to blogging but I can see that this would be my constant companion at this point in time. No job, no colorful life to live. I have to refrain from being a cynic but this is all there is, nothing left for me to do but accept it.

These will be my constant companions as I start my blogging journey


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