Friends, do you think that you've got all what it takes to be truly rich? If your answer is NO, that's a major problem... BUT if your answer is YES! Then that's a good sign! You are on your way to financial freedom. Wait a minute, before we go on, can you define "TRULY RICH"? Is it about buying your dream house? Does that mean you get to own a sports car that you fancy? Does that also include going to different countries just for fun/recreation? I'm sorry to disappoint you but this is not the case...
For me being truly rich is not all that. It's waaaay beyond that! WHY? If you stick to material things, you will not be happy in the process because all of them will soon go away. Does that make sense to you? Let me give you an example...
I've been reading the blogs of Brother Bo Sanchez and I kinda got touched by all of the blog posts I read. They're pretty long, but if you read them, you will not get bored at all! First of all, it's jam packed with moral lessons and it's hilarious! You'll keep coming back for more! So instead of hitting youtube with the latest videos of wannabees, why don't you check this out and make good use of your time? One Blog post that struck me the most is the one entitled "Turning Thoughts into Things" - It's enlightening and in the end, you will be saying to yourself "Oo nga no?"
So back to becoming truly rich... It's not going to be easy like winning in the lottery or something. It requires hard work and you need to be "ready". This is important because if you have the money and you don't have the proper mindset, do you think the money will go to where it should be? I guess not. This is the very first thing that you need to put it mind. I've seen a lot of people with the money (close relatives and friends) but they don't know how to handle it. Most of them are "galit sa pera" - in other words, they don't spend it properly. Instead of investing it somewhere or giving their extra to the poor, they spend it on Havaianas... It's not that I have something against the brand but that's just an observation.
Sorry if you are offended about that. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a personal grudge with the brand because I can't afford it (I could even buy a truckload hehe - joke!) I also didn't want to jeopardize those who choose to purchase it... It's just that somehow, it already gets out of proportion that sometimes, you even borrow money just to follow your every whim and that's not good at all! So tell me, how can you become truly rich?
Being truly rich is not about how much money you have in your pocket or wallet or bank account. You could have a gazillion dollars and lose that in a second. My point here is - if you have that right now, even if you lose it, you can retrieve it right away or earn it quickly if you have a millionaire mindset. It doesn't mean that you need to steal from banks or be a Drug lord or a corrupt government official just to get those millions easily - it only means that if you know the right thing to do, it would be totally easy for you.
My friend, I hope that you're in the right path. Always remember that the purpose of wealth is to help others in need (take note, those who are in need of help and not tolerate their caprices) If you think you're ready, then that is a good start! Begin right and you will end right then pass everything that you have learned to others. That would be the best thing that you can do.
The next best thing to do is to be a part of the Truly Rich Club and be blessed with inspirational stuff such as God Whispers, free mp3s of the Bo Sanchez talks, free ebooks/books (Bro. Bo Sanchez recently sent a book - Turning Thoughts into Things, with his autograph!), You will also get information about the next seminar dates of the Truly Rich Club, Jomar Hilario's How to earn money in the internet, You can even earn money through their Affiliate program! But I think the best thing about this Club is that you get to share your money to different charity works through your monthly membership fee - all of that for a very good cause!
So if you're ready to subscribe, here is the link to the Truly Rich Club website - may you be forever blessed!
===TrulyRichClub.com - Do You Want to Gain Financial Wealth and Spiritual Abundance at the Same Time? ==
AND, you may also want to get God Whispers everyday:
=== GodWhispersClub.com - Get A Megadose of Blessing. And Take Your Life To A New Direction. ===
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