So, we're on a race... On your mark, ready get set go!!! but wait... before the traffic light turns green, you need to pause for a while on the yellow light. Even traffic lights are made like that and they are serving their purpose very well. People who disobey traffic rules will eventually get into a lot of trouble. I hope everyone would realize its significance in our daily lives. People tend to speed things up (Ouch, I'm guilty!). Justifying their behavior as something they have gotten used to everyday, they will surely develop nasty habits of making the wrong choices and hasty decisions. But we can't blame ourselves all the time as it is beginning to be a trend to most people. Instant noodles, canned goods, fast foods and all the toxic stuff that we consume when we're on the go. We just crack it open and pop them into our mouths without a care. Sooner or later the undisciplined food intake that we have would most likely contribute to the development of cancer cells. But I don't really want to talk about food here... A friend of mine once told me that it would be better to write the things that I have learned after a certain experience. If it's a painful one, it's not good to just simply ignore it and then go with the flow once again. What if it happens a second and a third time? (see my blog entry self-check) if it does, then it will keep on happening again and again until we learn! In my case, I don't want to be sick and tired of repeating the same error. It's a waste of time and effort... This applies to all of us, let's not be quick in everything we do. We have to pause for a while to be able to observe and analyze or maybe even read between the lines. Take into consideration all the things that matter and set aside all that don't. Everything that is rushed usually comes out half-baked and we do not like to settle for anything that's not done properly right? We get offended and unsatisfied by the results and tend to repeat the same process all over again which is tiring and worse, even makes things more complicated. I used to say that time is not important - that something does not require a long period of time to determine whether it's already done or not. I always say, for as long as you already know the truth, who needs to wait? Again, wanting to rush things, the quality that counts most is often compromised. It's probably the best advice that I could give. Take it from me!
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