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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Suddenly I'm sad

even the ones who choose a longer term do not develop roots deep enough to stick around for too long.

This is quoted by a favorite fellow-blogger. After reading this, I suddenly felt sad. I got the urge of reviewing his emails for the past few months and could not believe how happy we were before. And now, the transition was that easy. I felt like I lost my job without further notice. I was never prepared for this... not now. My life has been a constant struggle. For a moment it had been blissful that I could not explain why it has sky-rocketed and like fireworks, it had lost its spark after a short period of time. Such tragedies cannot be explained in an instant. I can't even answer that myself. I can't even assign this problem to somebody else for me. Though it was been ripping my head off this is the one I can't avoid. I should always remember to count my blessings and convince myself to think of happy thoughts... might as well not overdo it as they might think I'm on drugs...


Unknown said...

Don't be sad!! Thank you for visiting my blog! You know....I just turned 40 and I'm still not where I want to be, I'm just learning to understand that where I am is Okay...not so bad you know. It all is a learning process that's for sure. Take care okay.

happychachi said...

Thanks Trine... somehow I would like to have this invisible shield from all the bad memories that's been attacking me since the "incident." I always want to free myself from that but every time I do that I end up being sad again. First I kept on praying and hoping that it will turn out good, but it looks like good things will never go back the way it was before...

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