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Monday, March 2, 2009

my zeitgeist

One rainy Monday I feel so high... 82°F (Feels Like 90°F) drizzling

Ever since I've developed the kind of mental capacity to decide on my own, I made a careful thought of how a friend once commented... "We still have to consider what our parents would say." Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely against the statement.
My idea is entirely different. However, I don't know how to put it into a different light, my explanation would rather be in a way... spartan to most readers, but I don't expect to please or be understood by people for that matter.
Not that I'm hasty to make my point but I believe that being the usual caring and concerned parents that they are, giving us the perfect life that we have - wanting us to attend a prestigious school, wanting us to be involved in intellectual warfare that would determine how strong and healthy our minds are. Isn't it that the influences that we encounter outside our home molds us in a way, far from parents' interest? Probably not that far, but we developed our own stand when it comes to decision-making. We have a better judgment on our own part, thanks to the wisdom we acquired from books and universities and of course... our parents... and for me, our judgment does not come from books, universities or parents alone. they come from us... from the web that we have weaved and still weaving up to this time. And if ever we decide based on a single entity alone, then shame on us... it's defeating the purpose of parents wanting us to learn more about life... it's defeating the purpose of being alive... it's defeating the purpose of being free.


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happychachi said...

Hmmm... I'm not in a good financial position right now (I'm looking for a job). But thanks for dropping by my page.

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